As-Garde Aerospace and Electrodynamics Inc. - Space Technology Vision

Advanced Propulsion : electrodynamic technology, aether and photon engines;
Advanced Levitation : gravity field control dynamics, anti-gravity and mass reduction;
Advanced Energy Generation : ZPM zero point modules, perpetual motion energy machines;

Electrodynamics for electric vehicles : zero emission capacitor discharge & over unity engines;
Superconductors, capicitors, energy technology, electro-magnetic & permanent magnet engines;
EFM/RFI (electromagnetic & radio frequency) and microwave shielding, neutralizing and reduction technology

Environment dynamics: Life support, air, water, temperature, atmospheric, food, energy;
Human Vitality: space suit, relaxation circuit, biofield revitalizer regeneration, health & independence;
electrodynamic shield, dust control, particle and energy field counter-measures;

Zero gravity & micro gravity field, (earth/world) meta-materials creation environment;
Space object detection, collision avoidance, observation, interception and intervention;
Energy, field and force projection technology, meta-physics;

high energy lasers
satelite, energy, electro-optical, ground based stationary and mobile platforms;

Zero emission vehicles? No problem!
We have the worlds largest private investment portfolio in zero emission technology.

Please Note: Of course our portfolio may vary considerably from an Anti nation state organizations such as WEF, or UN
or a compromised government engaged in treason, industrial genocide or other super imposed schemes justified by the so called global warming or climate change.

For instance, capacitor discharge engines or over unity generators or magnetic turbine or perpetual motion machines,

with independent loyal electric vehicles, we have more relevant options to create the future we envision;
do not require massive and expensive batteries such as typical electric vehicles, (and the corresponding immense pollution related to rare earth, toxic materials & manufacturing etc) ;

as they are independent, rendering everything else obsolete and backwards;
as they are dedicated to loyalty, independence, privacy & health;
require no central server or charging station, subject to control freaks, spy & crime, command & control;
can even be started and charged initially by ambient free energy in the atmosphere;
Respects your privacy (not like the average computer or phone);
Not engaged in spying (not sensors collecting biometric and other private and personal information) ;
Respect your health :EMF, RFI and microwave shielding & protection (industry, government and media censorship)
Respect to the owner (as in, you will own it and be happy).
mostly electric battery plants (will make headliness, media coverage and money);
and do not have remote disabling or hack command and control technology installed,
are not likely to be discussed or promoted in media, industry or government or non government entities and organizations who super impose their agenda with anti-nation states. They do not talk about high mileage fuel systems either…such as

More electric vehicle work in joint ventures with

Until then, if you are interested to do something pro-active and visionary:

You will also find the steam engine fired by a wood fuel boiler and a regenerating turbine generator systems, once going it will not need fuel to run. Of course the electro-dynamic steam locomotive project is alse found there…

Media, industry and government don't talk about those hydrogen fuel systems with with zero emissions either, that would be free energy from a white nationallist based on freedom, independence, privacy and health sovereignty, can't have that…only remote control and disabling, spy & crime on wheels….they don't talk about advanced or extreme efficiency fuel systems either, like Made in Canada, can't have that can we?

No corporate welfare, no media publicity, no government handouts, no stock market scams, no foreign control, no super imposed agendas, and we don't care…freedom, nation state and individual sovereignty, let's call it "Comeau's Reset" just kidding, it's the Alternate Reality Creation Engine at work…and the future became a whole lot more exciting. Isn't time you did something about it?

Space Exploration & Intel :
telescope, detection, tracking, analysis, special projects…
journal of space adventure and exploration…

Let "MC" be the variable, let the variable allow, enable, augment, create, provide…anything, including mind over matter…aum sweet aum…om sweet om…ascend to the next level…

Hmmmm interesting eh…Mr. Spaceman

Techno Co-development Business Combinations & OEM

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