Tools & Machinery Development Program (CVI-SEG-TMDP)

Based on the original Capital Vault Incorporated Tools & Machinery Development Program (CVI-SEG-TMDP)

The As-Garde Machinery and Mecatronics Inc. Tools & Machinery Development Program is enabled and amplified with the convergence of resources, infrastructure, capabilities and extremely relevant and useful options for financial and intellectual capital and the deployment and acquisition of actual tools and machinery.

The buying group idea is proceeded by the investment, development and custom build infrastructure of members, with options of ownership, control, voting and acquisition enabled by the pre-eminent genius of Capital Vault Incorporated, which proceeded and excels in capabilities of typical crowd funding and goes way beyond the limits of public companies.

This reduces independence in foreign machinery technology and also the risks associated with currency and trade war, or foreign cataclysms, or that their boats might sink, or rail logistics may no longer be available to them to wage relentless industrial and enterprise warfare engaged by other countries in addition to those opposed to nation state sovereignty. This also exercises power to create and enable real Canadians to invest, develop, custom build, buy or acquire much more than made in Canada. This is the power to create wealth, new products, technology, innovation, services, secure supply lines, a more vibrant, revitalized and resilient productivity infrastructure that is general and specific to various industries.

If you are going to compete against foreigners, cheap labour, robots, imported and product dumping, currency warfare, alongside with government engaged in crime, treason and genocide, you may as well build more general and advanced manufacturing technology with a magnitude of infrastructure to go with that, to create, enable, augment and amplify the individual, the entrepreneur, the new or expanding enterprise.

Certainly we can have advanced manufacturing technology, and we can have old school machinery, not everything needs to be computerized. There are plenty of people in Canada who can operating all kinds of machinery doing precision and efficient work, they are the independent ones, people with skill, understanding, math, geometry, pure genius.

Critical analysis, logic, the ability to focus and be engaged in problem solving or creating something new also takes considerable effort, which requires discipline, resolution. With more tools and machinery, people can have greater opportunities and resources for a more interesting and challenging and rewarding life, certainly one that is more work centered, productive, profitable and satisfying.

Take a look at shop class in high school, woodworking, metal working, auto mechanics, this can expand to more electives. Tools and machinery are essential, finding out if one has interest, skill, ability, aptitude, learn by doing and all that included with that is useful. A more dynamic tools and machinery that is made in Canada can add to the quality of life in ways many cannot imagine, but if they did imagine, certainly, ideas, vision and possibilities exist and may exist.

People need to realize that there may be jobs that a machine can do that a person cannot, there are jobs a person can do, that a machine cannot, there are people and machines that can excel to one degree or another.

We know people in an enterprise think they can replace people with endless robots, lots of money for robots, but not people who need to provide for themselves and a family and their corresponding duties as a citizen, people that like to work. Someone that takes great pride in their work is important, like someone that is in their zone, so why not pay them well, create a better environment for work, having some type of dedicated tooling, machinery or other resources can make things better, safer, more streamlined, productive and efficient and profitable for everyone.

Some people feel threatened by the factory shop floor worker who makes the supervisors and foreman look stupid, there is plenty more where that came from. It's only another perspective. With the Strategic Eneterprise Development Inc. Advanced Projects and all that, we see that reality that one person can make a difference, so vast a magnitude of difference is that other things become so completely obsolet and backward. Well, time to create, what are you going to do? Contribute, invest, custom build, acquire, deploy, get involved, make a difference? Machinery and tools is only one part of the equation, and people need to know that things usually don't happen by themselves, do they?

This endeavour can create all kinds of productive machinery power and capabilities that people can put to work, deploy resources, transform thought into reality, innovate, increase the quality of life with challenge, reward and everyday happiness and satisfaction that individuals and people have from co-operating to work and build anything or great things together, little projects to mega projects!

This can create revenue streams, new opportunities, made in Canada financing, leasing, acquisition, custom build, invest, develop and deploy, more exciting relevant options in the future! This also expands your base of options into infrastructure related to that industry, which can include real estate, private shops, commercial buidlings, factories, material supply and logistics, intelectual property and capital, new opportunities in sales, marketing, promotion, enterprise business, co-development, OEM and much more.

A whole new dimension to the Made in Canada and Product of Canada equation of industrial enterprise and productive capabilities...

Extra Notes:
In Canada, we need to redevelop and rebuild our industries due to government and corporate sponsored crime, treason, genocide, selling out the country, trade deals, globalism anti nation state warfare, currency wars, mismanagement, industrial, economic sabotage and the war against the famility, free enterprise, Made in Canada, we have been sold out and defrauded, imbeciles, people with no vision, liberal fascist anti Canadian news, Treasury Bonds and unlimited electronic debt money creation, obscene compound interest and debt, the people who promoted and signed the illegal 1982 Consitution (and additional subsequent and corresponding crime, treason, genocide & war - CTGW) vs the 1867 Confederation British North America Act of Peace, Order and Good Government) which offered "Once upon a time" Made in Canada, real money, virutually no national or provincial debt and thriving industries in Canada…

Is that politically correct enough for you?

This is really important, things do no happen by themselves, it takes work, people, materials, infrastructure, money and of course machinery and tools. This includes machinery design engineering, plant and productivity, systems and process engineering.

This is a available because of our brilliant technological genius and altruistic character based on real Canadian values. It is designed as an independent, integrated omni-directional entity and enterprise with co-development of advanced materials, technology, manufacturing, design engineering and patriotic order of Made in Canada.