Energy & Utilities - machinery, equipment & technology

the continuation of free energy systems...

free energy and perpetual motion machines...

classified, restricted, suppressed and censored technology...

if you think ancient aliens were are in for a surprise as to what various individuals on this planet have done...

you would also be surprised about our ancient origins…

of course if you want to continue paying your obscene electric or other energy bills...

then don’t worry about what we are doing...

When you find out how awesome the multi-dimensional physics of the ZPM is, and understand what it is, you will wonder why you did not know all along, and then how you could live life without it. Truth is more fantastic than fiction, truth is the ultimate revolution, it is freedom for and of the individual, the one capable of creative imagination, truth is not a hate crime, light is not illegal.

Finally, the universe is a really big place, and we are not running it! For the human race, we have not been around for ten minutes on the timeline and we think we know everything, some people, no matter how much they know, discover so much more, some things beyond comprehension, yet the pattern of music, mathematics, geometry, shape, frequency, sound, material and meta-material characteristics, unknown variables, things visible and invisible, things that require new language, vocabulary, understanding, multiple points of reference and a transformation of consciousness. A language of energy, like a mantra, an acoustic heavenly symbol cascading from consciousness, intention and pure thought. What about you? What will you live for? Pure energy? Free energy?