Career Freedom : Personnel network and resource base

This is personal, this is business, this is national economic, industrial, enterprise and individual case you did not know, or have difficulties reading between the lines...

As-Garde Machine and Mecatronics Inc. Personnel:

As AGMM Personnel, you can keep your regular job and expand career, enterprise and investment options. This is a lot like a co-operative association, a personnel network and resource base.

Personnel can also sub-contract, offer or acquire engineering, consulting, ideas, products, services, joint ventures, independent and co-development projects, technology, intellectual property, finder/referral, promotion, industry news, technology, advanced manufacturing, associations and more awesome advantages to add to the quality of your life!

You can also benefit form new and exciting opportunities in industry, enterprise, investing, technology and related associations and development in the Made in Canada and Product of Canada revolution.

Creating and keeping solid quality family rated jobs and careers takes vision, genius, focus and work, that requires an extremely pro-active, optimistic and resourceful outlook, co-operation and enthusiasm, with the ability to see the big picture and the tiny details.

This endeavour is about creating new wealth producing power, revitalizing our technological and advanced manufacturing edge, developing and providing a vast magnitude of capabilities, personnel, expertise and capacity for the individual creative imagination to express that natural gifts and abilities, aptitudes and interests, of really being in the zone, without limitations.

This is dedicated to the individual, the visionary, the entrepreneur and enterprise, in addition to the many industries in Canada that require strategic, tactical, operational and technological advantage, and revitalizing the industrial economic capacity of Canada which has been greatly diminished and in some cases, wiped out or liquidated, by government sponsored crime, genocide and treason in their globalist sponsored war against the family, industry, the founding people, nation state sovereignty, free enterprise, the individual and yes, the middle class. This is not a political statement.

Since things will only get worse if good people do nothing, we have an exponential personal responsibility to do something, and anything is better than nothing, which is unacceptable. We are confronted with a generation of people that have been defrauded of opportunities. A supportive environment for the individual, entrepreneur, enterprise, family, community and industries is essential. We are experiencing a real national industrial economic security emergency. You will never, or probably never read or hear about it in the mainstream fakestream anti-Canadian news.

The real family is the foundation and building block of society. We need more individuals with creative imagination, vision and the ability to make a difference in revitalizing families, in addition to all industries. Families are useful for creating, managing and transfer of wealth, traditions, expertise, knowledge, language, culture, morality, character and the unlimited capacity of the individual to make and leave their particular mark or signature in the world. Individuals may choose something in the direction of their dreams, interests, talents and abilities in a corresponding enterprise that is supportive of the family and conducive to the individual. Good people with character, family values, true values, is essential to this enterprise.

Knowing how to make things happen requires people, infrastructure, machinery, materials, money and an intense resolution to succeed. It does not happen by itself, it takes energy, focus, thinking, something pro-active, an energy and enthusiasm, it takes desire, determination, initiative and co-operation, yes, it even takes trust, integrity, altruism, idealism, honesty, courage, good old fashioned duty, acts of valour, sometimes self-sacrifice, in that we exercise discipline, build character, learn and grow and express the best of who we are today, now, everyday. Continuous improvement is not only for the enterprise, technology, products and gadgets, it is for the individual, personally, professionally, spiritually. We can go beyond fixing things and improving things, we can create something exceptional, brand new, beyond anything else, and experience and brand new emotion as well.

This endeavour requires patience, audacity, health, resources and yes, faith, confidence and trust. It is not only a quest for more technological power, it is also at the same time a quest for spiritual power, that is our personal character, not only professional and trade competence, but also that with which we can build a civilized advanced civilization, our character. This includes a superior moral code and altruism.

With this we can be productive, creative, prosperous, we enjoy a greater quality of life, which expands outwards to others. These opportunities lead to more opportunities, more wealth producing power, real wealth, not money only, but common and extra-ordinary wealth of people, individuals who apply themselves in purposeful and productive enterprise, the wealth of options in creating the future, working today, building something awesome with the alternate reality creation engine...which you may have read about in inter-related documents, enterprise, programs and ideas or that you can discover the ARC engine at work here (the alternate reality creation engine).

The idea of working share-owners, financial and non-financial investment, private investment with control, ownership and voting provisions, asset protection and intellectual property optimization is nothing new, it is the basic operating system of Capital Vault Incorporated and the Advanced Projects.

How it is done, the degree of integrity and brilliant imagination and technical, financial and enterprise genius at work is another thing. Things that change everything, people working to build great things together. As individuals we can relate to this vision and ideas, the ideals and energy, we go forward, we imagine, we build, we create, we achieve, we deploy resources, people, technology, machinery, financial and non-financial assets and much more.

Join As-Garde Machine and Mecatronics Inc. Personnel
Join and build a new machine....
live with your heart and soul, express the best of who you are!

Naturally of course, the
Capital Vault Incorporated - Advanced Projects Portfolio
is available to you, it might be more up to speed.
Lucky for you, you have powerful freedom of choice, right?

For those who appreciate, value and respect
our fundamental freedoms...
