As-Garde Aerospace and Electrodynamics Inc. - Intro

Dedicated to the most advanced aerospace design engineering technology in the world, involving physics, multi-physics, multi-dimensional physics and a magnitude of design elements.

This endeavour involves enables, augments, amplifies and unifies some of the most visionary aerospace experimental and applied research and development technology from the brilliant creative imagination of Comeau Aerospace Inc. and the individual creative power of visionary and gifted people, ideas and multi-dimensional reality. This includes the transition of advanced conventional technology, into something totally awesome that redefines and expands a new definition, understanding and performance capabilities of state of the art and science in the quest to build the ultimate flying machine.

This is also dedicated to all the courageous creative individuals who never give up on their dreams, who go forward step by step, with tenacity, resolution, confidence, trust and faith, people that believe in themselves, their freedom and creative power, going beyond the wildest dreams, as artists and scientists, people that like to custom build everything, where the status quo and everything that exists, is no match and no contest for the aspirations of creative aerospace genius, that dares to express the awesome, brilliant, beautiful, splendid magnitude of design and performance specifications and design elements, that is a lot more up to speed, and all the words and worlds that could express that.

This is dedicated to those knowing that everything in their heart and soul, has the capacity to transform consciousness, character and everyday life, and those who dare to create an alternate reality, whose only requirement is to go forward with audacity, courage, effort and imagination, and their vision, the most important values and ideals in the world, will never be relinquished to the back burner or to collect dust, or to be burned or destroyed, as it always exists in multi-dimension space and astral domains, a place to promote, preserve, establish and materialize with an alternate reality creation engine, the projection of intense desire, creative power, energy, resources and the pure thought of creative and visionary imagination.

Heart to heart, soul to soul, this is like the proverbial squaring of the circle, from the thin air or endless space of imagination in the individual universe, on an exponential scale, with the illuminated embers, the sparkle in the eyes-where life beings, the eternal flame, the fire that burns within, everyone who has a dream, their purpose, something in their heart and soul, who may have waited a lifetime or lifetimes for the realization, achievement and success of the dream, vision and plans.

This is for every soul with a daring sense of adventure, who ever wanted their chance, who yearned for the music in their ears to cascade octave after octave, equations, symbols, ideas, brilliant imagination and insight and understanding, whose quest for exploration and discovery, of unknown worlds and experiences, being, doing, having, achieving, those who endeavour, like in the quest for the holy grail, the greatest adventure of all time, this is for you, the individual, the one who dares to make a difference, to express the best of who you are, the realm of magic, creative power and adventure.

Our domain, our space time continuum, is a place where true values, character, integrity, diligence, patience, optimism, determination, resolution and persistent action integrated with altruism and unlimited imagination, exists, it is priceless, it is a super-power of unlimited variables, that offer promise, encouragement and ideals of transforming thought into reality, as it already is reality. Although the quest appears technological in nature, it is in reality an expression of character, personality and creative power that seeks to be productive, prosperous, vibrant, forward thinking, visionary, optimistic, resourceful, it remains as the transformation of consciousness and reality.

In the As-Garde Technology Continuum, there is a special place, with an exquisite timeline of multiple choice points that offers opportunity for co-operation, trust, challenge and reward, an extra-ordinary space time that we can indeed work to build great things together, something awesome, dynamic, visionary, with out of this world performance, something that is a match for the greatest aspirations of those who dare to exercise their inherent creative power, their imagination and make their dreams, purpose and greatest desire to be realized as fact in the world.

I am very happy and honoured, to be the founder and visionnaire of this endeavour, and look forward to working with those who can work to build great things together and leave their mark in the world and more than their signature in a remarkable and limitless space time continuum, the As-Garde Technology Continuum, an altruistic world, where character, creative imagination and brilliant technological genius is an everyday reality.

Michael Comeau
